He said I owed for a payday loan and my balance was over $500 which included several fees

He said I owed for a payday loan and my balance was over $500 which included several fees

I receive multiple threatening calls to both home and work numbers before 8 am. Threats are made regarding a non-existent pay Cookeville bad credit payday lenders local near me loan from various phone numbers and area codes (909, 718, 949, 818) with various names (Mike **, Alex **, Mike **, Justin **). They claim to be attorneys and collection people. When they are all asked for the dates, times, and amounts of these so called “loans”, they hang up or place you on hold and then hang up. They are unable to provide specific information. And they all speak with very heavy middle eastern accents that are difficult to understand. Zero or minus needs to be an available choice in this case.

I received a call from some lady with a strong accent. When I didn’t understand her, she put her supervisor on. His name was Dexter **. They were going to arrest me at work or home and court fees of over $8000 if I didn’t pay. He wouldn’t tell me any other name other than Insta Cash which I have never heard of. I have had a payday loan but have been in good standings. He gave me the phone number of ** as I asked to verify where he was calling from and wanted to verify. There is no listing for this number. He also said he was calling for a Richard **, an associate attorney.

I received a message to call this Brian ** person at **. The message mentioned that I should call back regarding my attorney information. I was instantly concerned. When I called back there was no room on his voice mail and he was not available.

When I finally got someone, they informed me that I was going to have charges filed against me for check fraud and other items for cash advance I received from InstaCash

I could barely hear or understand this person, but I finally was able to figure out that they were trying to convince me that I received $500 from this company in . If it went to court, I could face charges of $8500 or they could help me if I paid them $900 right now. If it was in fact a charge off, I would have seen this on my credit report. When I told them I had not received any information from this company, they said I must have not read the emails or deleted them. I am sure this is fraudulent, but I am concerned at this point. Obviously I don’t want criminal charges filed against me, but I’m not going to give criminals $900 either! Economically, this could be devastating. $8500 plus criminal charges: I don’t even know how to fully calculate the cost of that.

They are stating I filled one out 2 weeks ago. I need no loan. They have called me from different phone numbers today only 15 times and they said they will try to remove me from the call list but why did I fill out a loan application and I stated I did not. Vincent is a form of harassment fraud.

I never filled out a loan application with these people

I was contacted by email threatening to contact my employer, take me to court and garnish wages on a loan I never received. I did fill out an application but after speaking to a representative and discussing their fees to obtain a loan, I declined the loan and never received. I keep immaculate bank records so on the first and second email I asked for documentation. They would not provide me this then came threatening emails. When I called their number and the Indian guy on the other end realized I wasn’t going to be intimidated or threatened and would not try to resolve it, he hung up and continued to hang up on the next 8 calls. I screen shot and saved every email and call log for future issues. This is a scam. I’m sorry to the ones that cave in and pay. They target people that are in financial trouble to begin with and then extort more. Please contact federal trade commission. This is not a credible legal lender.