However, I collected this data and deduced these numbers based on the following
These numbers are very different but I think they’re important because it shows that some men are on here for real connections and intimacy.
- If men sent me a picture of themselves, they were placed into the flirt column.
- If men asked me for a picture of myself, asked to phone call or video chat they were placed into the flirt column.
- If men made a comment regarding my appearance, they were placed into the flirt column.
- If men stop responding after a couple of messages, they were placed into the flirt column. I made an assumption here, that they only sent a few messages, and stop responding when I did not entertain them enough and they wanted to save their money.
- I ONLY placed men into the relationship column if they explicitly told me that was what they were searching for on the app.
Many users responded and described that apps like Tinder did not
warrant the same results as Phrendly, and with other apps they have had no luck talking which their ideal woman
I also examined the messages I received and split them up into two categories, sexual responses and normal or casual responses.
The sexual column included messages that involved extreme flirting and sexting and the normal or casual response column includes messages where men,
- Only wanted to casual chat, for example, asked me how my day was or wanted to talk about their day.
- Only sent a few messages and stopped responding. I accounted for this in the previous chart and I assume they either got bored, didn’t want to spend anymore money or figured I would not send them pictures.
This chart is very interesting and works well with the first chart because it can be seen that there are some men on Phrendly who use it beyond the intended purpose. There are however, many men, more than half, who have not sent me any sexual messages and just wanted to chat with someone.
Phrendly claims to be an entertainment app, which I have observed to be true because many male users want nude pictures, to phone and video call with women. However, a main question I have is why men pay for this kind of entertainment, especially because there are so many free applications and resources online. If men want a hookup or to sext a female they can download the apps that are notorious for such purposes, such as Tinder and Bumble, which are free. Pornography is also all over the internet with many free outlets, which men can use for naked pictures of women.
Phrendly states in their mission statement that they are an app for entertainment and a majority of the men interpret that into meaning an app where they can sext, share photos with other users and video chat with other users
Many of these users explain because they are paying for communication women are more likely to send naked pictures, talk on the phone and video chat provocatively. There was one male user I chatted with that explained that he had spent $500 in five months. This is proof that men are willing to pay for these services, that sex sells and that the chase can be commodified. Apps like Tinder and Bumble may not warrant sexting as much as Phrendly because they are free and women are not on these apps to get paid, they are on this app to either find someone to hookup with or eventually date. Phrendly; however, can be used as a money making app for women, and it doesn’t matter if the man is not attractive- it matters if they’re getting paid.